Thursday, August 23, 2007

"The winning of freedom is not to be compared to the winning of a game – with the victory recorded forever in history. Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirits of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed – else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954

Thursday, November 02, 2006

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
Douglas Adams
English humorist & science fiction novelist (1952 - 2001)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Walk the long road......

What a way to start, but the sigh marks the end. My friend. I do not know what to do. When..... at what point does one have to say its enough. When does one finally draw the line in the sand and say, that is enough.
I can't help everyone. Some just don't want the help.
I'm just tired.
I want the best for those I hold dear, I make sacrifices for those I care about, but in the end it feels hopeless. I feel compelled to do more. But I cant. I am at my wits end, I can't be an emotional crutch, propping someone else up. But. What if.
I could have. I am sorry.
I know he didn't mean it.
I know he is sorry.
So tired.
I love you bro.
I'll be here when you need me, but I can't sacrifice my family and their security. Hang in there.
It just isn't what I hoped, I just wanted to do the right thing, Cory, but you have to learn to do things. I can't be here always. You are not alone, but there comes a time when one can't go any further. Can't have this shit thrown in my face. Can't be pissed on when I only try do whats right. Get better Cory, get better and I will be waiting. I just can't.................................................

Wild Wild World 2

Tell me, is it a problem, when the pharmaceutical industry has society in its proverbial grip??
When did this trend of "asking your doctor about.....cialis, paxil,...." or whatever other chemical cocktail, come into play?
Commercials listing off general symptoms, flashing a brand in front of our faces, and want us to go running to the doctor for the concoction of the week. It makes me sick.
"Do you ever feel sick...., are you tired in the morning......, do you ever feel anxious....., than you should ask your doctor about paxil......" Last time I checked, isn't it the doctors responsibility to prescribe medication?? Isn't it up to those with PhDs to figure out which medications best suit the patient. So what then , when bonuses are offered to doctors who prescribe the pharmaceutical brand of the week, when patients come in ASKING for the drug they seen on TV, when health becomes a cash cow.....
Something must be noticed about these companies, these mega-corporations that control and enforce a lot more than we can see on the surface. Ever wonder why a product like tobacco can still be sold in a day of recalls and class action suits? Like imagine ketchup was suddenly discovered to contain even half of the carcinogens as tobacco. It would be pulled of the shelves so fast, you wouldn't even have time to wonder about it.

pharmaceuticals are bad in my eyes. They sting..... No really though, I have witnessed people get on medications that are supposed to help, only to leave the person hopelessly addicted and in no better shape than when he first walked through the doctor's door. A friend of mine approached his doctor with some stresses, just wanted to talk about the negatives in his life and the options he has to resolve them. Common life stress. Although, the doctor, too quick to prescribe, seen these common life stresses as a pharmaceutical problem, something that must be medicated. No talk of a pyschologist, or any sorta anger management programs, no suggestions of ways to alleviate stress, just instant with the meds.
Look up effexor anywhere, and you will learn its is fairly common, to those taking the medication, to become increasingly despondent and suicidal, not to mention, VERY difficult to get off them. So my friend starts taking this drug, only to wind up in the hospital for attempted suicide 3 months later. After doing research, friend wants off the drug, doesn't feel that it is needed if it is making things worse, only doctors increase the dose. Then add a few others to the mix. My friend walked around like a zombie, a fraction of what he once was, but the doctors say he is progressing...... NOT ONCE DID THE DOCTORS ASK WHAT WAS BOTHERING HIM, NOT ONE DOCTOR TOLD HIM TO REMOVE HIMSELF FROM STRESSFUL SETTINGS. Why is it that the only solution is medications? To label it with the psychological disorder of the week? Doctors only see dollars, not patients, just hobbling, complaining dollar signs.
Medications are misused and abused by this society, I have seen with my own eyes..... I will not be hopped up on anything, I choose to remain free and as pure as I can be.

Monday, March 06, 2006

A country is not only what it does—it is also what it puts up with, what it tolerates. —Kurt Tucholsky

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Spot the Massive 747!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Can You Find It??
Lets play a little game, Waldo would be proud, called Wheres the plane/wreckage/wings/damage/?

Extra points if you spot the dancing for joy Georgie

Wild WIld World

OK so, my pal just left the house in cuffs today....
Im not really sure if I want to get into the whole thing, but its bugging me so maybe I will. My friend has walked a troubled path for most of his life. The kind of fellow who almost sees personal success as negative thing, for success equals less stress, and it has been such a factor in his life, things are not COMFORTABLE when the stress is not there. Destructive, self-sabotaging, sub-conciously laying his own booby traps. Ive been there. It takes on to know one and all that......
So he has been in a vicious cyclone for most of his life, just when things start looking up, something else goes wrong. Sounds like every day life to some, but for him, he is the orchastrater, he sets up his own fall, because after a whole life of CONSTANT stress, constantly being without a home or a meal, in trouble with the law, it has become normal to him. Life to him IS stress, and uncomfort. So when things start becoming "comfortable" it doesnt ring as NORMAL to him.
But you must understand that this is NOT a rotten member of society, that this man is TROUBLED and has been all his life, he is an example of a failure. But not only his own failures, but he was failed by his parents, failed by the social systems, failed by society. I know this man, he IS a good person, he is just troubled. I know that with the proper help, he can realize his path of self destruction, he can correct things that went awry. I know because I have been there, set my own traps, and to this day it still happens once in a while. Only now, I have a family to be successful for, responsibilities to others than myself, I have learned that it is OK to leave that shit behind and succeed in life.
He came to my house today to say goodbye.....
He came and told me he had swallowed a bottle of pills...
He left in cuffs....
Under the mental health act, someone who is suicidal can be detained and assessed because he poses a threat to himself and others. He was in tears, but we convinced him it was the best thing. We convinced him, that he wanted to live, he wanted help, he wanted to break free. So he is now in the hospital, under police supervision.
I hope the best for you bud.
Hang in there.
I'll be here when you come back....

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Just a quick note, was watching Daily Planet on Discovery just now and seen a real breakthrough in energy saving, a fluorescent light dimmer. Sounds kinda mundane really at first, but apparently he suggests a 60% energy savings. I watched a 43% drop, while barely noticing a difference in light output. The doctor slyly coys"At this point you might start to notice a drop".
I was unsure if I was actually seeing any dimming at all, then ol Doc flics full power back on and, bam, suddenly much brighter than it appeared. Thinking I was somehow tricked by this Doctor, he tells me exactly that"
"I tricked you..." he says. Turns out, the rate of dimming is directly correlated to the dilation of the pupil, so my eyes were adjusting to the dimming at the same time. I could not notice the difference because my eyes adjusted at the same rate.
Still some might be lost here. This dimmer is a huge step in energy conservation, potentially. Millions of companies use fluorescent lighting, all around the world. If even a 40% reduction in energy consumption in offices and the like were possible, only a small fraction of companies would have to adapt the systems to make HUGE savings.
I don't know all the details, but it was definitely an interesting program and I'm gonna look into it further. Definitely exciting possibilities though.
Lets make Telsa proud....

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A striking Resemblance

Look carefully now......

Now that explains more than I would have thought. Looks like real progress for freedom and liberty......

Now hows that for scary.